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  • Pregnancy


    Pregnancy Testing | Ultrasounds | Maternity and Infant Essentials | Women's Health | Prenatal, Child Birth, Breastfeeding, and Parenting Classes | Pregnancy Counseling

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  • Health


    Health Care for Women and Children | Health Insurance | Mental Health Care and Counseling | Screenings for Developmental Delays | Education on Pregnancy, Child Birth, Infant Care | Addiction

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  • Adoption


    Information, Counseling, and Support for Adoption

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  • Food


    Food Benefits & Assistance | Food Pantries | Community Kitchens | Formula

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  • Goods


    Car Seats | Strollers | Cribs | Diapers & Wipes | Infant Essentials | Clothing | Household Items

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  • Safety


    Emergency Assistance for Victims of Abuse/Neglect | Legal Assistance | Counseling | Housing & Shelters | Survivor Support Services

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  • Money


    Financial Assistance & Government Benefits for Food, Rent/Mortgages, Transportation, Child Care | Child Support | Financial Planning & Literacy

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  • Jobs


    Job Openings | Job Training | Adult Education

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  • Child Care

    Child Care

    Child Care Centers | Tuition Assistance

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mississippi access to maternal assistance

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Mama, you can do this!

Whether you're a mother-to-be or a mother of three, MAMA can quickly connect you to health care services, infant essentials, clothing, food, shelter, financial assistance, child care, jobs, education, legal aid, adoption services and more. If something you need is not listed, please reach out to us at We are here for you and your family!

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Even When It Feels Like It, Remember You Are Not Alone

This Suicide Prevention month, we want to remind you that even when it feels like there is nowhere to turn, MAMA is here for you. Suicide is a leading cause of maternal mortality. To connect with a mental health counselor, find free health resources near you, seek help for substance abuse/addiction, click here. 

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suicide prevention